
Google Assistant

What you can ask Google Assistant

Get local info

  • Weather: What’s the weather today?
  • Food: Find pizza restaurants nearby.

Ask Google

  • Calculations: What’s 20% of 80?
  • Dictionary: What does “gorgeous” mean?
  • Translations: How do I say “Nice to meet you” in French?
  • Unit conversions: How many kilometers in a mile?
  • Search: Search for summer vacation ideas.
  • Image search: Find pictures of flower.
  • Web answer: How do you remove ink stains from a rug?

Play media

  • News: Play the news. What’s the latest news from BBC?

Have fun

  • Get to know your Assistant: Do you dream? What’s your favorite color?
  • Games: Let’s play a game. Give me a trivia question.
  • Entertainment: Tell me a joke. Tell me something interesting.
  • Animal facts: Tell me about giraffes. What’s the animal of the day?


  • Calls: Call Mom. Call Ali on speaker phone. Make a video call.

On phones only:

  • SMS: Text Ahmmad “See you at 5.”
  • Emails: Send an email.
  • WhatsApp: Send a WhatsApp message to Ali.

Get around your device

  • Change settings: Turn on WiFi. Increase the volume. Decrease the brightness.
  • Control your phone: Turn on the flashlight. Take a photo.

Note: Whether Google Assistant can take a photo for you depends on your device manufacturer.

  • Find things in your apps: Search for tablets on Amazon. Search for Kanye West on Twitter
  • Find photos: Show my pictures of the multan.

Plan your day

  • Alarms: Set an alarm for 7 a.m.
  • Reminders: Remind me in 1 hour
  • Timer: Set timer for 5 minutes

Get things done

  • Shopping: Add cereal to my shopping list.

Take, search & share photos

  • “Show me my photos from Multan”
  • “Take a selfie.” Then say “share this with Ahmad”
  • “Take a picture in 10 seconds”

Manage your phone’s settings

  • “Turn on the flashlight”
  • “Take a screenshot”
  • “Turn on Do Not Disturb”
  • “Turn on Bluetooth”

Open apps

  • “Open Translate”
  • “Search for yoga classes on YouTube.” Then say “Share this with mom”
  • “Find hotels in Lahore on Maps”
  • “[Artist name] on YouTube Music”
  • “Show me emails from ali on Gmail”

Further reading

Updated on: 09-Dec-2022

Muhammad Yasir Bhutta