Microsoft Excel: Sort and Filter

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Modules - Sort & Filter

Module 1

Sort & Filter

Sorting in Excel is a process of arranging data in a specific order, either ascending or descending. It allows you to organize and analyze your data more effectively.

There are two main types of sorting in Excel:

Sort by column: This involves arranging data based on the values in a particular column. For instance, you can sort a list of names alphabetically or sort a list of numbers from smallest to largest.

Sort by multiple columns: This involves sorting data based on the values in multiple columns. For example, you can sort a list of customer records by country and then by city within each country.

Filtering allows you to display only the rows of data that meet certain criteria. For example, you could filter a table of student data to show only the students who have a grade of A.

Types of Filters in Excel

Filter by value: This is the most common type of filter, where you select specific values or ranges of values to display.

Filter by format: This filter allows you to show rows based on cell formatting, such as font color, cell color, or borders.

Filter by custom criteria: This filter provides more flexibility, enabling you to define complex criteria using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and comparisons (equal to, greater than, less than).

Using the filter Function:

Slicer to Filter Data

See also:

True/False (Mark T for True and F for False)

Multiple Choice (Select the best answer)


Review Questions

References and Bibliography