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Microsoft Excel: Practical Topics
1. Microsoft Excel Basics
1.1 Microsoft Excel Interface
1.2 Enter data manuall in worksheet cells
1.3 Managing Sheet
2.2 Borders
2.2.1 Apply a predefined cell border
2.2.1 Remove a cell border
2.3 Data Alignment
2.4 Merge and Center
2.5 Wrap Text
2.6.2 Working with comma style
2.6.4 Apply the percentage style
3.1 Operators and Order of Operations
4. Functions
4.1 Most poplar functions
4.1.1 sum
4.1.2 sumif
4.1.3 max
4.1.4 min
4.1.5 count
4.1.6 counta
4.1.7 countif
4.1.8 power
4.1.9 product
4.1.10 average
4.1.11 if
4.1.12 now
4.1.13 today
4.1.14 Change the case of Text: lower, upper, proper
4.1.15 len
4.1.16 contcat